Toquilla Straw Process Raw Material

Wholesale toquilla straw hats

The Wonder of Paja Toquilla: Manufacturing Process, Products, and Destinations

Paja toquilla, known worldwide for its quality and tradition, is the natural fiber used to craft the famous Panama hats, among other artisanal products. Although it is most famous for hats, the versatility of this fiber allows for the creation of a wide variety of products. Below, we explain the step-by-step process of how the fiber is extracted from the plant and what this valuable raw material can become.

1. Cultivation of the Carludovica Palmata Plant

Paja toquilla comes from a plant called Carludovica Palmata, which grows primarily in tropical regions of Ecuador, such as the coastal area of Manabí and subtropical highlands. The process begins with the sowing and cultivation of the plant, which can take 2 to 3 years to mature and be ready for harvest.

2. Cutting the Leaves

Once the leaves of the plant have reached the right size, they are hand-cut. This is a delicate step, as the leaves must be at their optimal point to ensure the quality of the fiber. The green leaves are cut close to the ground, making sure the stem remains intact for future growth.

3. Boiling the Leaves

After harvesting, the leaves are boiled to make the fiber easier to extract. This step is done in large pots where the leaves are immersed in hot water. The boiling process helps remove impurities, soften the fibers, and prepare them for bleaching.

4. Sun Drying

After boiling, the leaves are laid out in the sun to dry. This drying process can take several days, depending on the weather. The fibers are spread on wooden frames or ropes to be exposed to direct sunlight, ensuring they dry completely and achieve the natural white color characteristic of paja toquilla.

5. Bleaching the Straw

To obtain a superior quality straw, it undergoes a bleaching process. Traditionally, this is done by placing the dried leaves in small chambers where sulfur or charcoal is burned, which helps to bleach them evenly.

6. Weaving the Straw

The most fascinating step is the weaving of the straw, where local artisans transform the fiber into extraordinary products. Panama hats, for example, are handwoven in a process that can take from days to months, depending on the fineness of the weave. The Montecristi hat is the most famous for its fineness and quality, and each hat is a true work of art.

In addition to hats, paja toquilla can be crafted into other products such as:

  • Bags and purses
  • Fans, both decorative and functional
  • Keychains
  • Earrings and artisanal jewelry
  • Placemats and other home accessories
  • Hats and fashion accessories

7. Quality Control

Once the product is completed, it undergoes quality control. The artisans ensure that there are no defects in the weave and that the product meets the expected quality standards. In the case of hats, size, weave consistency, and symmetry are checked.

Where is Paja Toquilla and Its Products Sent?

Ecuador is the main exporter of products made with paja toquilla, but the fiber and finished products are shipped worldwide. The primary destinations include:

  • The United States: Where Panama hats are in high demand in the fashion world.
  • Europe: Countries such as Spain, Italy, and France highly value these artisanal products for their elegance and tradition.
  • Asia: Particularly in markets like Japan, there is a great interest in eco-friendly and handmade products.
  • Latin America: Countries like Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil also receive paja toquilla products due to their style and versatility.

In addition, Ecuadorian artisans have begun to expand their offerings on online sales platforms, bringing the tradition of paja toquilla into the hands of consumers worldwide.


The manufacturing process of paja toquilla is an art that has been perfected over centuries. From the cultivation of the plant to the artisanal weaving, each step involves dedication and ancestral knowledge. The fiber is transformed into a wide variety of artisanal products that carry a piece of Ecuadorian culture, reaching people worldwide and showcasing the beauty and value of this tradition.

If you are interested in the raw material “Toquilla Straw” you can contact us.

1 thoughts on “Toquilla Straw Process Raw Material

  1. Louis Cox says:

    I love the products they have, they are very beautiful and of good quality from what is observed. I would like to visit your place. Greetings from the USA.

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